The film is titled Godse and was written and directed by Gopi Ganesh Pattabhi. The Godse Movie has to produce by C Kalyan through the banner of CK Screens. In the past, both Satya Dev and Gopi Ganesh Pattabhi have worked together for the Bluff Master film and are all set to work together for Godse once again.
Movie Plot
Gopi Ganesh co-featured with Satyadev in the 2018 film Bluff Master. The film earned Rs 33 crore in the cinematic world. Presently the two are back along with Godse. The film stars Aishwarya Lakshmi, Brahmaji, Tanikella Bharani, Nagababu Konidela, and others. Music is made by Sunil Kashyap. Suresh S Cinematographer. No should be hanging tight for the film delivery date subtleties. The Godse film group reports the film has prepared to deliver on February eleventh, 2022 in theaters.
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Movie Teaser
The secret for the film was delivered by Chiranjeevi on December 20, 2021. Initial feelings are that Satyadeva will involve ‘Godse as his name and go about as a vigilante battling against the powers. As in the old Shankar film, his campaign is against the degenerate, particularly in governmental issues and business. His anxiety and outrage additionally show a dull foundation in which he was denied the chance. Aishwarya Lakshmi plays a cop who researches these vigilante exercises. The secret additionally shows an outline of the relative multitude of different characters in the film. This ensures an image that occupies as much room for the smart waiting game as it accomplishes for the activity stuffed set pieces.