Thadam is a 2019 Tamil action crime thriller movie made under the direction of Magizh Thirumeni, Inder Kumar has produced this movie. The lead roles are played by Arun Vijay, Vidya Pradeep, Tanya Hope while the supporting cast includes Smruthi Venkat, Tanya Hope, Sonia Aggarwal. The movie is released on 27 February 2019 across Worldwide, Tamil Nadu with 800 screens
Cast & Crew
- Director(s): Magizh Thirumeni
- Producer(s): Inder Kumar
- Lead Roles:
- Arun Vijay
- Vidya Pradeep
- Tanya Hope
- Supporting Roles:
- Smruthi Venkat
- Tanya Hope
- Sonia Aggarwal
- Release Date: 27 February 2019
- Budget: 14 Cr
Thadam has received great response from the audience. It can be one of the most successful movies for Arun Vijay, Vidya Pradeep, Tanya Hope, Magizh Thirumeni, and Inder Kumar.
Thadam 1st Day Box Office Collection
On its 1st day, Thadam has done a worldwide collection of 1.17Cr. So, it makes Thadam movie total collection for first 1 Day(s) as 2.65Cr. The expected box office collection for the first 1 days for Thadam to consider it as a decent hit movie is: 2.80Cr, hence, we can say that Thadam is an Average movie.
Location | Collection |
Day 1 Worldwide Collection | ₹1.17Cr |
Day 1 Tamil Nadu Collection | ₹0.9Cr |
Thadam 2nd Day Box Office Collection
During its first 2 Days, this Arun Vijay, Vidya Pradeep, Tanya Hope starrer has done a decent job at the box office. Worldwide, the Movie has recorded a combined Collection of 4.13Cr. On its full run, Thadam is expected to record a worldwide collection around 26.00Cr.
Location | Collection |
Day 2 Worldwide Collection | ₹2.08Cr |
Day 2 Tamil Nadu Collection | ₹1.6Cr |
Thadam 3rd Day Box Office Collection
On its 3rd day, Thadam has done a worldwide collection of 3.38Cr. So, it makes Thadam movie total collection for first 3 Day(s) as 6.13Cr. The expected collection for the first 3 days for Thadam to consider it as a decent hit movie is: 7.70Cr, hence, we can say that Thadam is a Flop movie.
Location | Collection |
Day 3 Worldwide Collection | ₹3.38Cr |
Day 3 Tamil Nadu Collection | ₹2.6Cr |
Thadam 4th Day Box Office Collection
On its 4th day, Thadam has done a worldwide collection of 1.04Cr. So, it makes Thadam movie total collection for first 4 Day(s) as 8.39Cr. The expected collection for the first 4 days for Thadam to consider it as a decent hit movie is: 9.10Cr, hence, we can say that Thadam is an Average movie.
Location | Collection |
Day 4 Worldwide Collection | ₹1.04Cr |
Day 4 Tamil Nadu Collection | ₹0.8Cr |
Thadam 5th Day Box Office Collection
During its first 5 Days, this Arun Vijay, Vidya Pradeep, Tanya Hope starrer has done a decent job at the box office. Worldwide, the Movie has recorded a combined Collection of 9.27Cr. On its full run, Thadam is expected to record a worldwide collection around 26.00Cr.
Location | Collection |
Day 5 Worldwide Collection | ₹1.3Cr |
Day 5 Tamil Nadu Collection | ₹1Cr |
Thadam 6th Day Box Office Collection
During its first 6 Days, this Arun Vijay, Vidya Pradeep, Tanya Hope starrer has done a decent job at the box office. Worldwide, the Movie has recorded a combined Collection of 10.03Cr. On its full run, Thadam is expected to record a worldwide collection around 26.00Cr.
Location | Collection |
Day 6 Worldwide Collection | ₹1.43Cr |
Day 6 Tamil Nadu Collection | ₹1.7Cr |
Thadam 7th Day Box Office Collection
During its first 7 Days, this Arun Vijay, Vidya Pradeep, Tanya Hope starrer has done a decent job at the box office. Worldwide, the Movie has recorded a combined Collection of 10.41Cr. On its full run, Thadam is expected to record a worldwide collection around 26.00Cr.
Location | Collection |
Day 7 Worldwide Collection | ₹1.37Cr |
Day 7 Tamil Nadu Collection | ₹1.6Cr |
Thadam 8th Day Box Office Collection
On its 8th day, Thadam has done a worldwide collection of 1.1Cr. So, it makes Thadam movie total collection for first 8 Day(s) as 10.71Cr. The expected collection for the first 8 days for Thadam to consider it as a decent hit movie is: 14.70Cr, hence, we can say that Thadam is a Flop movie.
Location | Collection |
Day 8 Worldwide Collection | ₹1.1Cr |
Day 8 Tamil Nadu Collection | ₹1.3Cr |
Thadam review. Thadam Tamil movie review, story, rating
— GoNews (@GoNewsIndia1) January 22, 2020
Thadam 9th Day Box Office Collection
During its first 9 Days, this Arun Vijay, Vidya Pradeep, Tanya Hope starrer has done a decent job at the box office. Worldwide, the Movie has recorded a combined Collection of 10.85Cr. On its full run, Thadam is expected to record a worldwide collection around 26.00Cr.
Location | Collection |
Day 9 Worldwide Collection | ₹1.05Cr |
Day 9 Tamil Nadu Collection | ₹1.2Cr |
Thadam 10th Day Box Office Collection
On its 10th day, Thadam has done a worldwide collection of 0.8Cr. So, it makes Thadam movie total collection for first 10 Day(s) as 11.03Cr. The expected collection for the first 10 days for Thadam to consider it as a decent hit movie is: 18.20Cr, hence, we can say that Thadam is a Flop movie.
Location | Collection |
Day 10 Worldwide Collection | ₹0.8Cr |
Day 10 Tamil Nadu Collection | ₹1Cr |
Thadam Total Box Office Collection
Location | Collection |
Total Worldwide Collection | ₹26.00Cr |
Total Tamil Nadu Collection | ₹18.60Cr |